Monolith to Microservices with Cassandra, gRPC, and Falcor (Luke Tillman, DataStax)
Transitioning a legacy monolithic application to microservices is a daunting task by itself and it only gets more complicated as you start to dig through all the libraries and frameworks out there meant to help. In this talk, we'll cover the transition of a real Cassandra-based application to a microservices architecture using Grpc from Google and Falcor from Netflix. (Yes, Falcor is more than just a magical luck dragon from an awesome 80's movie.) We'll talk about why these technologies were a good fit for the project as well as why Cassandra is often a great choice once you go down the path of microservices. And since all the code for the project is open source, you'll have plenty to dig into afterwards. About the Speaker Luke Tillman Technical Evangelist, DataStax Luke is a Technical Evangelist for Apache Cassandra at DataStax. He's spent most of the last 15 years writing code for web applications built on relational databases both large and small. Most recently, before living the glamorous life of an Evangelist at DataStax, he worked as a software engineer at Hobsons on systems used by hundreds of colleges and universities across the U.S. and the World.