Everyday I'm Scaling... Cassandra (Ben Bromhead, Instaclustr)
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/everyday-im-scaling-cassandra-ben-bromhead-instaclustr-c-summit-2016 | This presentation will show how create truly elastic Cassandra deployments on AWS allowing you to scale and shrink your large Cassandra deployments multiple times a day. Leveraging a combination of EBS backed disks, JBOD, token pinning and our previous work on bootstrapping from backups you will be able to dramatically reduce costs per cluster by scaling to match your daily workloads. Warning: This presentation will probably contain some references to late 2000's pop group LMFAO About the Speaker Ben Bromhead CTO, Instaclustr Ben Bromhead is the CTO of Instaclustr where he is responsible for working closely with his engineering team and customers to build highly available, scalable applications on top of Cassandra. Instaclustr is the only multi-cloud, self service Cassandra as a Service provider in the world and is dedicated to provider world class support.