DataStax | Best Practices for Securing DataStax Enterprise (Matt Kennedy)
Slides: | This talk will review the advanced security features in DataStax Enterprise and discuss best practices for secure deployments. In particular, topics reviewed will cover: Authentication with Kerberos & LDAP/Active Directory, Role-based Authorization and LDAP role assignment, Auditing, Securing network communication, Encrypting data files and using the Key-Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) for secure off-host key management. The talk will also suggest strategies for addressing security needs not met directly by the built-in features of the database such as how to address applications that require Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC). About the Speaker Matt Kennedy Sr. Product Manager, DataStax Matt Kennedy works at DataStax as the product manager for DataStax Enterprise Core. Matt has been a Cassandra user and occasional contributor since version 0.7 and was named a Cassandra MVP in 2013 shortly before joining DataStax. Unlike Cassandra, Matt is not partition tolerant.