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C* Capacity Forecasting (Ajay Upadhyay, Jyoti Shandil, Arun Agrawal, Netflix)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/c-capacity-planning-and-upgrade-at-scale-ajay-upadhyay-jyoti-shandil-arun-agrawal-netflix-cassandra-summit-2016 | Netflix stores 98 percent of data related with streaming services: right from bookmarks, viewing history to billing and payment information. These services / applications simply desire highly available and scalable persistence solution to keep themselves running efficiently in a normal and disastrous situation. How does Netflix plan for capacity for it's new as well as existing services? In this talk, Arun Agrawal, Senior Software Engineer and Ajay Upadhyay, Cloud Data Architect @Netflix will talk about the capacity planning and capacity forecasting in cassandra world. We will take you through the science behind forecasting the short and long term usage and auto-scaling adequate capacity well before C* clusters reach their limit. This guarantees highly scalable and available persistence solution meeting our SLAs @ Netflix. About the Speakers ajay upadhyay Senior Database Engineer, Netflix Responsible for persistent layer at Netflix, part of CDE [Cloud Database Engineering] team. Working with application team, suggesting and guiding them with the best practices for various persistent layers provided by CDE team. Arun Agrawal Senior Software Engineer, Netflix Arun Agrawal is part of Cloud Database Engineering where they provide CAAS (Cassandra as a service). Ensuring smooth operations of service and finding innovative ways to reduce the management overheads of having CAAS.

July 26, 2016