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Cold Storage That Isn't Glacial (Joshua Hollander, Protectwise)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/cold-storage-that-isnt-glacial-joshua-hollander-protectwise-cassandra-summit-2016 | At Protectwise we've successfully deployed a DSE Search/SOLR as our platform for indexing and searching billions of time series events a day. However, keeping petabytes of data around for months and years on expensive servers, largely untouched, can quickly become a cost burden. We'll cover the building of a custom ""cold storage"" solution using Cassandra, SOLR, Spark, Parquet and S3. This solution employs probabilistic data structures, customizations to Parquet and a specialized streaming S3 client, to allow our customers to securely search petabytes of data in seconds without breaking the bank. About the Speaker Joshua Hollander Principal Engineer, Protectwise Josh is Principal Engineer at Protectwise. He is functional programming devotee, stream whisperer, big data wrangler and sees ""Monoids everywhere"". He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado.

July 26, 2016