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[WORKSHOP] Thomas Dutrion: Symfony as a software engineer #phpsrb 2019

Symfony as a software engineer: hexagonal architecture and interoperability Aiming to provide an approach beyond the official documentation, we will emulate a very simple web application, starting from a Symfony skeleton and adding many requirements all along the tutorial. Domain-driven design Link: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/talks/28 Tickets: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/tickets Duration: 3h Description: While framework documentations usually are about Rapid Application Development, most jobs you get as a software engineer are about doing very specific business features, in agile environment. - using different template renderer (in case you need very specific views) - using events and decorators - repositories and collection, how to be more precise in your contracts - MVC vs ADR - Hexagonal architecture, a layered architecture for more flexibility - why you should not use annotations - DTO and scalar values, why you should never ever inject scalar values

May 25, 2019