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PHP Serbia Conference 2019 | Official After-movie | #phpsrb

Everything started with a tweet in June of 2012 and gathering once a month. Now we're here, seven years later, with after movie to show how far we've come! This year's event was different and incredible in many ways. - 600 attendees from 20 countries - 30 speakers in 2 parallel tracks - Delegates from 60 companies - 3 days on 3 different locations - 5 workshops - 2 panel discussions + unconference meetup - Community-selected talks - 220+ talk submissions from all over the world - Blind tickets sold in a record-breaking time At our annual events, you have a unique opportunity to hear and learn about the latest development trends and innovations, as well as to network with our fellow attendees and speakers. From the humble beginnings all the way to Rasmus Lerdorf and Zeev Suraski as Keynote speakers at PHP Serbia conferences in Serbia! PHP Serbia 2019: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ PHP Srbija: https://phpsrbija.rs/

May 25, 2019