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Ian Littman - Load Testing Your App | #phpsrb

PHP Serbia 2019, Belgrade Presentation: https://slides.com/ianlittman/load-testing-serbia-19/live#/ Want to find out which pieces of your site break down under load first, so you know how you'll need to scale before your systems catch fire? Load testing answers this question, and these days you can simulate full user behavior in a load test, rather than merely hammering a single endpoint. In this talk, we'll go through a number of conceptual points that you won't want to miss in order for your load tests to perform their intended purpose. Then we'll jump into implementation details, using the K6 load test tool to build a load test that exercises an application in a way that's similar to what we'd see in real life. About the PHP Serbia 2019 Conference: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ More info about the speaker: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/speakers/6 Ian Littman on Twitter: @iansltx https://twitter.com/iansltx PHP Serbia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHPSrbija

May 25, 2019