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The Opening Ceremony PHP Serbia Conference 2019 | #phpsrb

Hooray! We've got the first video and it's a teaser from the opening ceremony. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did along with our delegates and speakers! https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... At the time of the greatest technological development in the history of civilization, one programming language was singled out and became a part of the programmer's everyday life. Rebel Rasmus Lerdorf, with the help of the two princes - Andrew Gutmans and Zeev Suraski, creates the language of the future, with the functionality as the prior characteristic together with an openness to everyone. This language is being developed in 7 versions and becomes a symbol of programming. In parallel, as part of a major inter-galactic struggle for language functionality, in Belgrade on the planet Earth, a group of young and creative rebels led by PHP star launches a traditional annual gathering. And being so for last 7 years... Our PHP Serbia Galaxy is very young. On this occasion, we celebrate its 7th birthday. Guided by the ideals of freedom and friendship, our galaxy is becoming a safe shelter to all open-minded and smiling people. Since very early stages we've been visited by more than 90 lecturers and 3000 guests from more than 25 friendly galaxies being present at more than 30 Meetups. More than 100 organizations from the Trade Federation have recognized our ideals and values and supported our gatherings. This year there are 30 lecturers from different parts of the Universe present at our assembly. Each guest will have more than 20 advantageous chances to hear, learn, ask questions and, simply, hang out with them. Our gathering was assisted by Humanity and Think Innovative from the Golden Pulsar. From Silver Star Cluster this year, we've been supported by Catena Media, TeleSign, HelloWorld and mCloud. To our great pleasure, we are also accompanied by our close friends from friendly satellites - ActiveCollab, SiteGround, Navus, Deploy, Business Outsourcing Services, sli.do. Broadcasting to other galaxies was taken over by our partners from Media Quazar – Blic, Netokracija, Startit, Mondo, PRspective and CODEstantine. We strongly believe that our PHP Serbia Galaxy will be an example of continuous quality, positive energy, technological openness and friendship for many millennia to follow. And now, time has come for us to introduce ourselves - the creators of the PHP Serbia Galaxy. 1. General and Commander of the Alliance's Base One Milan Popović – representative, and one of the founders of the PHP Serbia Citizens Association 2. Imperial Defector and General Nikola Poša – representative of the of the PHP Serbia Citizens Association 3. General and Commander of the Alliance's Echo Base Kristina Stojaković - Communication 4. Commander of Rogue Squadron Jasna Komatović - Marketing 5. Covert operations spymaster Marko Marinković - Administration and finances 6. General of the Alliance Special Forces Nemanja Čedomirović - One of the founders of the PHP Serbia Citizens Association 7. Supreme Commander of the Alliance Fleet Aco Gagić - President of the PHP Serbia Citizens Association. "And this was our Darth Vader, the voice you've been listening to all this time belongs to - Miloš Maksimović. I am Aco Gagic and on behalf of our team let me express my great pleasure to see you here with us, to thank you for coming and for your greetings. I'm sure you will enjoy this year assembly too. And now, I would like to call everyone to welcome together on this stage Zeev Suraski."

May 25, 2019