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Panel Discussion: Road to seniority | #phpsrb

PHP Serbia 2019, Belgrade We are all aware that 'senior' has different value and meaning from company to company, lets try to lay some foundation: ideas, concepts, terms & expectations that are generally expected. Idea behind this panel is to have a whole harted discussion and ask from panelists to share their lessons, stories, experiences & opinions. Moderator: Miro Svrtan Panelists: Juliette Reinders Folmer, Rafael Dohms and Milan Popovic. About the PHP Serbia 2019 Conference: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ More info about the Panel: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/speakers/30 Miro Svrtan on Twitter: @msvrtan https://twitter.com/msvrtan PHP Serbia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHPSrbija

May 25, 2019