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Damien Seguy - Top 10 PHP coding traps | #phpsrb

PHP Serbia 2019, Belgrade Presentation: https://www.exakat.io/top-10-php-classic-traps/ PHP has its own treasure chest of classic mistakes that surprises even the most seasoned expert: code that dies just by changing its namespace, strpos() that fails to find strings or arrays that changes without touching them. Do that get on your nerves too? Let's make a list of them, so we can always teach them to the new guys, spot them during code reviews and kick them out of our code once and for all. Come on, you're not frightening us! About the PHP Serbia 2019 Conference: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ More info about the speaker: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/speakers/13 Damien Seguy on Twitter: @exakat https://twitter.com/exakat PHP Serbia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHPSrbija #phpsrb

May 25, 2019