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Bastian Hofmann - Getting started with Kubernetes | #phpsrb

PHP Serbia 2019, Belgrade Presentation: https://speakerdeck.com/bastianhofmann/creating-a-fast-kubernetes-development-workflow-b56dd6eb-a008-4d97-ac6b-1c3fbfeb73e8 Kubernetes is a very powerful container orchestration platform that is quickly gaining traction and gives you lots of benefits in deploying, running and scaling your microservice web application. But it has also a steep learning curve. In this talk I will introduce you to Kubernetes, and show you, based on a practical example, how to continuously deploy a web application into it. About the PHP Serbia 2019 Conference: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ More info about the speaker: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/speakers/17 Bastian Hofmann on Twitter: @BastianHofmann https://twitter.com/BastianHofmann PHP Serbia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHPSrbija

May 25, 2019