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Gabor Nadai - 6 Things I Learned as a Lead Developer | #phpsrb

PHP Serbia 2019, Belgrade Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bGrS5r5B5E2wDHnGXI2FjgXDcVm2cRsrL69BSlbcL2s/edit Being a Lead Developer is a fun, interesting and responsible adventure. Becoming one is not something that happens from one day to the next. It is something that you grow into by raising your voice, taking action and responsibility. I've learned many things working as a Lead Developer, but I'd like to share 6 things, which were the most important for me. About the PHP Serbia 2019 Conference: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/ More info about the speaker: https://2019.phpsrbija.rs/speakers/16 Gabor Nadai on Twitter: @mefiblogger https://twitter.com/mefiblogger PHP Serbia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PHPSrbija #phpsrb

May 25, 2019