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Petrus Janse van Rensburg - ex_cldr - Personalized Apps for a Global Audience

https://2023.elixirconf.com/presenters#speaker-petrus-janse-van-rensburg-elixirconf-us-2023 With Elixir and the Erlang runtime, it has never been easier to build resilient software applications that span the globe, with computation distributed across countries or continents, running close to end-users. But as our software’s ambitions grow beyond our borders, the user base becomes diverse in ways that can be challenging to anticipate. Each new language, currency, or calendar that we support can add significant complexity to our code if we’re not careful. This talk will show how you can use tried-and-trusted tools, like gettext and the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) in Elixir, to build interfaces that live up to the expectations of diverse audiences around the globe. We’ll discuss some of the trade-offs involved and show how you can prioritize which languages to support first in your applications.

September 5, 2023