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Meks McClure & Mark Keele - SVG Island: Building your own charts in LiveView

Leave comments at: https://elixirforum.com/t/elixirconf-2023-meks-mcclure-mark-keele-svg-island-building-your-own-charts-in-liveview/58973 When you’re tasked with implementing a well-understood but complex feature, conventional wisdom might say to reach for a library. But what do you do when nothing out there fits your particular needs? You build your own solution! Two GridPoint software engineers teamed up to do just that when challenged to create a set of interactive, customer-facing data visualizations. In this talk, you will get the inside scoop on their process of solving the problem, including: - Evaluating existing Elixir charting libraries and coming to the decision to build their own charts - Pioneering a method to hand roll charts using SVGs - Building an interactive chart as a Phoenix component - Ensuring the solution relied on LiveView with no custom JavaScript You will learn the basics of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), building a chart using only two SVG elements, styling the chart via Tailwind classes, using that chart as a Phoenix component with the ability to add a click event to any element, and appending to the chart with Phoenix streams. Join us on a trip to SVG Island!

September 5, 2023