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Miki Rezentes - Beyond Technical Prowess: Competency is Not Enough

Leave comments at: https://elixirforum.com/t/elixirconf-2023-miki-rezentes-beyond-technical-prowess-competency-is-not-enough/59160 Success in software engineering requires more than just technical proficiency/mastery. Continual, successful delivery of products and features requires vision, leadership, and communication. Some believe vision and leadership are only required of organizational leaders, but in reality, effective software engineers display these qualities regardless of title or position. While the words “vision,” “leadership,” and “communication” are buzzwords and could be used to describe a plethora of concepts, this talk will break high-level concepts down into daily skills and habits that all developers could employ to increase their impact and effectiveness. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an aspiring software engineer, this talk will provide specific skills and behaviors that will contribute to the holistic development of your skill set. Embrace the idea that true success in software engineering stems not only from code mastery but also from cultivating a range of skills.

September 5, 2023