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Andrew Moore - A11y testing a LiveView application with Excessibility

https://2023.elixirconf.com/presenters#speaker-andrew-moore-elixirconf-us-2023 At Launch Scout, we’ve made it a goal to have automated accessibility testing on all new projects we take on. Excessibility is the culmination of several months of effort toward that goal. This tool allows you to take a snapshot of the DOM at any point in your tests. These snapshots can then be analyzed via a mix task for any WCAG violations, either locally or in a CI pipeline. We have gone through several iterations of this concept. This session will cover some of the approaches we tried initially, and why we found them lacking, We’ll also go over some of the challenges we faced in developing the tool and how we overcame them. We’ll look at some different a11y fails that the tool will catch for you and a little about how you might fix them. We’ll also talk about some of the challenges people with different disabilities face in using the web and how we can make it a little easier. As someone with a fairly significant visual disability, I feel like I’m uniquely positioned to talk about the topic from a user and developer standpoint. I’m thrilled to be able to spread awareness and give back to the community.

September 5, 2023