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Geoffrey Lessel - Introducing Vox: the static site generator for Elixir lovers

https://2023.elixirconf.com/presenters#speaker-geoffrey-lessel-elixirconf-us-2023 Vox is a new static site generator for folks who love Elixir. Write your site using things you already know: EEx and Elixir. Everything is set up so that if you know and love Elixir, things should be super simple for you to create a static website quickly and efficiently. In this presentation, I will go over the philosophy behind Vox and why I chose to do things like I did. Beyond the philosophy and demonstrating its capabilities, I will detail the code that powers the site generator. There were many things I had to learn while creating this project, and I’m excited to share my learnings with others (topics include metaprogramming, code evaluation, filesystem considerations, Mix tasks, and others). Finally, I’ll present the roadmap for what’s to come and how people looking to contribute can start contributing right away. Or, if someone wants to start writing their site using Elixir, how to get started either porting an old site to one using Vox or starting from scratch.

September 5, 2023