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AJ Foster - Filling the Gaps in the Ecosystem

Leave comments at: https://elixirforum.com/t/elixirconf-2023-aj-foster-filling-the-gaps-in-the-ecosystem/59902 https://2023.elixirconf.com/presenters#speaker-aj-foster-elixirconf-us-2023 We know that Elixir is a great choice for many software projects. However, despite its clear advantages, it is sometimes difficult to convince others. One factor we hear is the perceived size of its ecosystem: the existence of a library for a particular service can affect the appearance of maturity. The problem is there are many services, and maintaining libraries takes time. `OpenAPI` descriptions for these services promise to make the creation of client code easier, but so far, they haven’t delivered. Client libraries tend to be a great developer experience through hand-crafted code or easy to maintain thanks to code generation, but not both. This doesn’t have to be the case. In this talk, we explore a new `OpenAPI` client code generator that combines the ergonomics of hand-crafted libraries with the maintainability of generated code. By walking through the process of creating a new library, we introduce a new way of thinking about maintenance and call upon the community to fill the gaps in our ecosystem.

September 5, 2023