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Andrew Berrien - ECSx: A New Approach to Game Development in Elixir

https://2023.elixirconf.com/presenters#speaker-andrew-berrien-elixirconf-us-2023 `ECSx` is a new game development framework for real-time games and simulations. Leveraging the strengths of OTP for fast data access and strict serializability, `ECSx` makes it easy to bring your game ideas to life with the increasingly popular Entity-Component-System (ECS) architectural pattern. In this talk, Andrew will show: - How ECS architecture avoids many pitfalls which have historically driven skepticism towards game dev in Elixir - How the `ECSx` framework manages your game’s data and logic under-the-hood - Examples of building an app with the `ECSx` API and included generators - How to use the `ECSx` LiveDashboard page to monitor the performance of a running app

September 5, 2023