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Christian Koch - Driving Performance with Req and Finch at Cars.com

Leave comments at: https://elixirforum.com/t/elixirconf-2023-christian-koch-driving-performance-with-req-and-finch-at-cars-com/59820 Buckle up and join us on a ride to explore our unique approach to improving web request performance at Cars.com. We will take you on a journey from HTTPoison to Req and Finch and showcase how we unlocked the true horsepower of our web requests. Our approach goes beyond simply selecting Req as the new default. We developed a solution that harnesses the combined power of Req and Finch to optimize performance and resource utilization. Our solution is backed by data demonstrating a significant improvement in web request performance, making it an ideal solution for high-scale web requests. We will provide a detailed analysis of the comparative strengths and weaknesses of various HTTP libraries we considered and tested, including performance benchmarks and resource utilization. We will also discuss the architectural considerations and design patterns contributing to our decision-making process. As a car-themed website, we couldn’t resist the opportunity to sprinkle in some puns. This talk is designed to be accessible to all levels of expertise, with a focus on practical techniques to drive high-scale web requests. Attendees will gain valuable insights into our innovative approach to driving web requests at Cars.com and leave with a full tank of knowledge to accelerate their web request performance.

September 5, 2023