Why computers calculate wrong by Karl Brodowsky
Numeric types are used by us all the time, but they have some flaws that lead to subtle software errors. This talk addresses how they occur and how they can be dealt with in Java. Karl Brodowsky Born 1965-07-09 University in Karlsruhe, diploma in mathematics with informatics as minor 1992 Working for my own company IT Sky Consulting GmbH in CH Working experience as SW developer, SW architect and trainer in different companies and projects. Often I did special projects and tasks that are off the main stream, like software that requires very high performance and throughput or special algorithms or just non-standard combinations of technologies. I am writing a blog every two weeks and aiming to provide non trivial and verified information. I am a polyglot with programming languages, so I can work fluently at least in Java, Perl, Ruby and C. I also speak 7 languages (de, en, sv, es, no, fr, ru). github: https://github.com/bk1 [ESC-3284]