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NoOps in the cloud by Constantijn Visinescu

Most of us know by now that you can rent a server in the cloud to deploy your application. But setting up these servers, keeping them up to date and generally keeping things running can take a lot of time. Time you might instead want to spend on actually building your application. In this quickie you will see how to do: * Zero downtime deployments multiple times per day (No more 3am deployments on a Saturday) * On fully managed infrastructure (You set things up once, and it will keep running) * That's redundant and self healing (If it does crash at 4am you can keep sleeping and look at the logs the next day while the application keeps running.) * Using software based on open standards. (No vender lock-in. You can leave the cloud if you want to.) We'll wire together Java, Maven, Flyway, SQL, Docker + container registry, Kubernetes, Load balancers, Git, Jenkins and FluentD to create production ready infrastructure in just under 15 minutes. Constantijn Visinescu is an all-round IT professional with significant experience in development, design, architecture and consultancy. Constantijn enjoys working with teams to achieve a high level of quality and productivity. In the technical arena, he finds most entertainment in finding simple solutions to hard problems, preferably using light weight architectures and a healthy dose of common sense. He enjoys reasoning about the implications of high level design decisions just as well as the lowest level of implementation detail. [IYZ-6965]

November 7, 2016