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Make CSS Fun Again with Flexbox! by Hubert Sablonnière

If you think CSS is too complicated and that vertically centering an element is a huge achievement, this session is for you. Flexbox is a universally supported W3C specification which brings a new approach to layout in CSS. No more dirty hacks! In this 100% live-coding session, you will learn how to use Flexbox in your stylesheets to make CSS fun again. Hubert Sablonnière I'm a curious and passionnate Web developer. I'm specialized in HTML, CSS and JavaScript but I also use server side technologies like NodeJS, PHP, Java, Neo4j, Docker... With OpenDevise I help clients to move their trainings and conference talks to the next level. My motivation : "To push the technology far enough to find new ways to improve user's experiences." [XBS-2666]

November 7, 2016