BPMN plus DMN: Combining Workflows and Decisions by Niall Deehan
BPMN is a well-established standard for workflow automation. The new DMN standard is all about decisions and business rule automation. By combining BPMN and DMN, we can bring business users and developers way closer together, let it be during development or at runtime. With real world examples and a fun little hack-session I plan to show the variety of possible benefits and minimal effort required to obtain them all by using the open source Camunda BPM platform. Niall Deehan I’m a consultant with Camunda BPM, where I specialise in the implementation of executable BPMN models within the English-speaking world. My career has involved long stints as both a Java Developer and a Technical Analyst so I see BPMN (and especially Camunda BPM) as a linguistic bridge between those two disciplines. I dream of the day where all communication can be made through BPMN so that spelling would become obsolete. [JFP-1865]