Behavior-Driven Development in Java with JGiven by Jan Schäfer
Behavior-Driven Development is a development methodology where developers and domain experts describe the behavior of a software system using concrete scenarios written in a common language. Although BDD frameworks for Java exist for over 10 years now, the methodology has not been very popular in the Java world, yet. We think that one reason for this is that existing BDD frameworks for Java are often cumbersome to use and create an additional maintainence overhead compared to standard JUnit tests. JGiven is a new open-souce BDD framework for Java that is focused on developer productivity. JGiven scenarios are written in a fluent Java-API and can thus be directly written in Java. The scenario steps are organized in so-called stage classes which make scenarios modular and enable code reuse. JGiven generates an interactive HTML report that serves as a living documentation for domain experts and developers. Dr. Jan Schäfer is a passionate Java programmer since over 15 years now. He has studied computer science and also holds a doctorial degree in computer science. For the last 5 years he develops large scale Java Enterprise applications. Lately he found interest in Behavior-Driven Development and wrote a new open-source BDD Java framework. [VEI-8748]