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Not having conflicts is not an option… let’s have good ones - Marion Løken - NDC Oslo 2023

Have you ever been part of a team or workplace where there was no conflict at all? If you haven't, it's probably because you don't live in a utopia! Conflict is an inevitable part of any team or organization, and it's actually a good thing. That's because conflict can lead to innovation and progress by allowing people to challenge the status quo and think creatively. However, conflict can also be uncomfortable and even scary for some people. Do you tend to avoid conflict by burying your head in the sand or quitting when things get tough? Or do you handle conflict in a more dramatic way, like exploding or slamming doors? There is a better way to handle conflict – a way that is productive and leads to positive outcomes. In this session, you'll learn what good conflict looks like, what factors contribute to tension in a conflict, and how you can improve your conflict resolution skills in the workplace and in your personal life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how to navigate conflict effectively! Check out our new channel: NDC Clips: @ndcclips Check out more of our featured speakers and talks at https://ndcconferences.com/ https://ndcoslo.com/

May 22, 2023