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5 reasons to start a book club - Marion Løken - NDC Oslo 2023

Have you been in a workplace where everyone, at least everyone in management, was talking about how what was just decided was exactly how things should be done based on a book you had not read? Yeah, you probably felt a little bit excluded, classified yourself in the group of the "ones who do not know". And then you went to read the book and you thought: “humm, everything makes sense except that we are not doing that one thing that is pretty central in the book”. You wondered if you read it wrong, maybe even read some parts again - who knows maybe at second read you would get it. Still you did not get it, something was off. You gathered all your courage and asked someone who was "in the know". You either got an answer that was satisfying or not. Anyway you wished you would have been able to discuss the ideas of the book with your peers, because let’s face it some other people did not read the book either, so that you did get a better experience. That is just one of the reasons why you should start a book club. There are at least 4 other good reasons to start and be part of a book club at work. Check out our new channel: NDC Clips: @ndcclips Check out more of our featured speakers and talks at https://ndcconferences.com/ https://ndcoslo.com/

May 22, 2023