Ryan Lahfa - Free your papers, researchers!
Ryan Lahfa - Free your papers, researchers! [EuroPython 2016] [22 July 2016] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] (https://ep2016.europython.eu//conference/talks/free-your-papers-researchers) Research is financed from public money and researchers publish papers. But, papers are often unavailable to everyone except if you pay money for it, which seems wrong! What can we do as developers? Well, we can help researchers to open their papers! ----- And of course, how do we do it? Python, of course! Dissemin is a website using the Django framework which aims to promote a global Open Access policy, it offers to researchers a way to deposit legally their papers inside of a repository (Zenodo for example). We will see how the researcher world works quickly, and what are the challenges of assisting researcher to make papers available to everyone!