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Andrei Coman - Effectively test your webapp with Python and Selenium

Andrei Coman - Effectively test your webapp with Python and Selenium [EuroPython 2016] [18 July 2016] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] (https://ep2016.europython.eu//conference/talks/effectively-test-your-webapp-with-python-and-selenium) We will explore the lessons learned on maintaining a Selenium test suite against a webapplication and how to leverage python tools to make this process easy and transparent. ----- How often do you run your Selenium test suite? How fast do you get a result from it? Would you like to answer with: "Whenever I feel like it" and "Well, about the time it takes me to finish a coffee" ? This talk will try to get you closer to these answers. We will have a look at the lessons learned and the challenges my team faced maintaining a Selenium test suite against a long-lived Django web application. We will go over the pros and cons of: - test design approaches - technologies we used (nose, py.test, LiveServerTestCase) - reporting tools

July 17, 2016