Roberto Polli - The Router Game
Roberto Polli - The Router Game [EuroPython 2016] [18 July 2016] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] ( This interactive game teaches the basic of ip and ethernet protocol using just paper and pens, and become very popular with our interns and in our LUG meetings. Participants are divided in teams, simulating simple network infrastructures (eg. computers connected by an hub and a switch). ----- This interactive game teaches the basic of ip and ethernet protocol using just paper and pens, and become very popular with our interns and LUG meetings. Participants are divided in teams, simulating simple network infrastructures (eg. computers connected by an hub and a switch). Every player has a role: a PC or mobile phone, an HUB, a Switch, a Router, and must communicate with the others following the associate specification (eg. an hub should broadcast message to every neighbour, a switch should populate the mac address table, ...) The team which is faster in exchanging messages wins.