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Day 2, From Heroku to Kubernetes

Antoine Legrand is a senior software engineer with 7 years experience. He designs and leads the development of Arkena's video-on-demand platform used by large Broadcasters (Tf1, BeIn Sports, Elisa....).He's an open source softwares addict and co-author of kubespray.io project. Smaine Kahlouch is a senior technical lead and devops engineer at Arkena with 10 years experience in Devops, Linux and open source softwares. He built several streaming plateforms (CDN, OTT) and he's currently in charge of the engineering of Arkena's OTT Platform. Furthermore he's the Ansible Paris meetup organizer and had talks on different topics (Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible). Presentation Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/kubecon/kubecon-eu-2016-heroku-to-kubernetes Follow on Twitter: Antoine Legrand: https://twitter.com/avlegrand Arkena: https://twitter.com/ArkenaPlay Kubernetes: https://twitter.com/kubernetesio KubeCon: https://twitter.com/kubeconio

March 10, 2016