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Day 1, What is OpenStack's role in a Kubernetes world? KubeCon EU 2016

Thierry Carrez is the Director of Engineering at the OpenStack Foundation, helping ensure the long-term health of the OpenStack upstream open source project by coordinating the effort and facilitating collaboration between contributors. He is the elected chair of the OpenStack Technical Committee, in charge of the technical direction of the project. A Python Software Foundation fellow, he was previously the Technical lead for Ubuntu Server at Canonical, and an IT manager in various companies. Slides from presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/kubecon/kub... Thierry's Blog: http://ttx.re/ Follow on Twitter: Thierry Carrez: https://twitter.com/tcarrez OpenStack: https://twitter.com/OpenStack Kubernetes: https://twitter.com/kubernetesio KubeCon: https://twitter.com/kubeconio

March 10, 2016