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Day 1, Leveraging ephemeral namespaces in a CI/CD pipeline

Can Yucel is a software engineer at LaunchPad Central. After architecting/building a wide variety of systems as monoliths, he started thinking in microservices, and then got himself focused more on management and deployment of the services within containers. Kubernetes has been one of the most impressive companions within this new journey. Presentation Slides: http://www.slideshare.net/kubecon/kubecon-eu-2016-leveraging-ephemeral-namespaces-in-a-cicd-pipeline Follow on Twitter: Can Yucel: https://twitter.com/canthefason LaunchPad: https://twitter.com/TheLaunch Mechanical Turk: https://twitter.com/mturkband Kubernetes: https://twitter.com/kubernetesio KubeCon: https://twitter.com/kubeconio

March 10, 2016