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TypeScript – JavaScript for C# devs - Chris Klug

No matter what you think of JavaScript as a language, with all its…let’s call them quirks. It is here to stay! It is quite literally _the_ language of 201X! The language to rule them all! The only language that can run _anywhere_ and _everywhere_! But it is still full of…well…let’s just call them quirks! So, for those of us who prefer less quirks and more structure and productivity, and still want code that can run on pretty much anything from watches to our grandma’s sewing machine, adding static typing and a bit of OOP might be way forward. And that is exactly what TypeScript does! TypeScript is an awesome superset to JavaScript, which adds a bunch of features that makes JavaScript much more attractive to the regular C# developer. Features that gives us _proper_ IntelliSense in JavaScript. Do I need to say more? IntelliSense in JavaScript! Sound good? Getting curious? Well, this is the session for you!

January 16, 2017