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"Switching to Remix at Neighbor" by Dennis Beatty at #RemixConf ๐Ÿ’ฟ

Neighbor is a marketplace that allows you to make extra cash by storing your neighbors' things in your extra space. After several years of using a standard React frontend generated by create-react-app, we've decided to move to Remix. I will discuss some of the crazy things we've done at Neighbor to work around the limitations of a standard CRA-generated application, why we chose to use Remix over other alternatives, and discuss some of the gotchas and learning that came out of the migration. If you work at a medium to large business and are interested in moving to Remix, this talk is especially for you. I will mostly stick to big picture concepts rather than diving deep into the code. Speaker bio: Dennis works as a senior software engineer at Neighbor, a marketplace for self-storage, where he led the switch to Remix. While Dennis works across the entire tech stack, he's especially comfortable with systems architecture and seeing how pieces fit together. He's contributed to open source software in various ways (mostly within the Elixir ecosystem) and has enjoyed sharing some of his learning on his blog and his Youtube channel. Outside of programming Dennis loves spending time with his wife and his daughter who was born this past year, and he also skis, explores Utah's national forests, and shoots photos of the stars. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/dennis-beatty

May 24, 2022