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"How to WebPageTest" by Henri Helvetica at #RemixConf ๐Ÿ’ฟ

You cannot improve what you do not measure, and measuring page performance is at the heart of providing marvellous user experiences. "How To WebPageTest" is a talk where I will demonstrate how modern profiling using WebPageTest will provide the best insights. I'll show you tips and tricks on how to interpret the results, and I'll also expose you to key features that are best in class in performance testing. Speaker bio: Henri is a developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience, which led to his joining Catchpoint Systems on the WebPageTest Team. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, or profiling sites in his favourite tools, Henri can be found contributing back to the community: Toronto Web Performance Group meetup + Jamstack Toronto organizer, curating conference content or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps. Otherwise, Henri is focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise), encouraging a healthy lifestyle via #devsWhoRun. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/henri-helvetica

May 24, 2022