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"Remix Your UI & UX to Another Level" by Arisa Fukuzaki at #RemixConf ๐Ÿ’ฟ

Build performant web apps with a full-stack framework, Remix. Remix focuses on the UI to enjoy fast & resilient UX. Experience the "Remix magic" that enables no fetching & pre-fetch all in parallel before users make actions. As Remix focuses on UI & UX, why not share the "Remix magic" with the business users? In this talk, we're going to see together the combination of the new generation of a full-stack framework, Remix & a visual editor integrated headless CMS (Storyblok). Are you ready to explore a whole new level of experience? Speaker bio: Arisa is a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok & an organizer of a free tech skill & knowledge-sharing community, Lilac. Her mission is to learn, speak, connect and help. In her private time, she is a podcaster, an Aikido fighter, and a GirlCode ambassador. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/arisa-fukuzaki

May 24, 2022