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Password-less apps: implementing WebAuthN

Présentation par : Daniel Garnier-Moiroux, Josh Long 📕 Resumé : Passwords are everywhere, and they’re a mess! Once you create a good, strong, secure password, you’re rewarded with the task of having to rotate them periodically and store them! There’s got to be a better way. Spring Security is the world’s most widely used security framework for application developers, and it is here to help. In this talk, join us, Daniel Garnier-Moiroux (Spring Security contributor) and Josh Long (Developer Advocate Extraodinaire), as we look at WebAuthN - a protocol and framework for passwordless authentication based on physical devices, like a Yubikey, a macOS touchID, or iOS FaceID - and how to integrate it into a Spring Boot application. Enregistré en avril 2024 à Paris, Palais des Congrès, Porte Maillot. 🔥 Pour rester informé sur l'actualité de Devoxx France, suivez nous sur linkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/devoxx-france/, twitter : https://twitter.com/DevoxxFR ou consultez notre site web https://www.devoxx.fr/

April 17, 2024