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Going AOT: Everything you need to know about GraalVM for Java applications (Alina YURENKO)

🔥 To keep up to date with Devoxx France, follow us on linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/devoxx-france/, twitter: https://twitter.com/DevoxxFR or visit our website https://www.devoxx.fr/ 📕 In the past few years GraalVM got widely adopted in the Java ecosystem, and now it's hard to imagine starting a new project, especially for the cloud, without at least considering going native. However, taking a new technology to production requires research and preparation. What is the best way to build and deploy such native executables? Once deployed, how can I monitor them? Can I test them as I do with regular Java applications? How do I optimize for peak performance and latency? How do I use frameworks and libraries? This session will cover all of those steps and illustrate them with examples.

April 17, 2024