Pablo Enfedaque - Decorators demystified
Pablo Enfedaque - Decorators demystified [EuroPython 2015] [23 July 2015] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] Do you know what happens every time you use the **@** symbol in Python? In this talk we will see the magic behind the _syntactic sugar_ of the decorators. To understand how they internally work we will see in detail Python's **scopes**, **namespaces** and **closures**, and finally we will manually apply our own handcrafted decorator. This talk is an improved version (in English) of the talk I delivered at PyConES 2013 (the feedback was pretty positive): [ ][1] Level: Intermediate. Attendees must have previous knowledge of Python and should be somehow familiar with the **'@'** notation to decorate a function. The **slides** of the talk can be downloaded from here: [ demystified][2] [1]: [2]: