James Robinson - Pycon - A teacher's perspective
James Robinson - Pycon - A teacher's perspective [EuroPython 2015] [23 July 2015] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] [Education Summit] A perspective of the impact of the PyconUK education track from the point of view of teachers and educators. Having attended the education track at Pycon UK 2014 as a teacher, my talk will share both my experiences and those of other teachers attending. The education track bought educators and developers together in a way that allowed the teachers to get support and advice whilst developers get to support teachers in developing exciting & real applications for teaching computing. The talk will focus on two aspects of the education track. The workshops delivered for teachers by python developers and how this helps build teachers confidence. But also the breakout sessions where educators and developers with common interests can work together to develop something. This might be a program / library or a teaching resource, some developers gave a hands on and bespoke training session to a group of teachers. If we are to get more young people programming or at least having a positive experience of programming then we need to minimize obstacles to that experience. By having educators and developers working together we can identify those obstacles and eliminate them! https://goo.gl/nt05hC