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Alex Willmer - Taking the pain out of passwords and authentication

Alex Willmer - Taking the pain out of passwords and authentication [EuroPython 2015] [23 July 2015] [Bilbao, Euskadi, Spain] Passwords are a pain for us all - programmers, users and admins alike. How can we reduce that pain, or eliminate it entirely? This talk will - Review research into techniques that improve the usability of password systems, and mitigate shortcomings - Introduce the new standards Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) & Universal Second Factor (U2F) - Describe how they streamline authentication, even eliminate passwords entirely - Show how to integrate UAF/U2F in Django and other Python frameworks - Summarize the state of support for UAF & U2F in browsers, devices, and the wider world - <del>Introduce Sonipass - a project to replace passwords, even on existing websites</del> [Slides][1] [1]: https://moreati.github.io/passwordspain/

July 20, 2015