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KotlinConf 2018 - Functional CQRS in Kotlin by Uberto Barbini

Recording brought to you by American Express https://americanexpress.io/kotlin-jobs This presentation uses live coding to show how to implement and implement a CQRS architecture using functional abstractions, pure functions and immutable data using Kotlin as language. CQRS concepts go very well together with functional programming principles of immutability and high level functions. Participants don't have to know Kotlin or functional programming but the knowledge can be beneficial. The session tries to capture the main architecture critical decision in implementing a cqrs application. We also believe that using a functional approach simplify the code and avoid some typical pitfalls in event store implementations. Of course it can bring to other problems so we discuss those as well. About the Presenter: Uberto Barbini is an expert on building software products, currently working with finance institutions in London. He has more than two decades experience in building great products. He is practicing TDD and Agile since 2001. He writes technical articles, regularly speaks at conference around Europe and organises courses. He is experienced in designing and implementing software architectures and he believes in the agile manifesto values and principles. He is also a passionate polyglot programmer, he started as a kid with a ZxSpectrum he hopes to continue for many years to come.

October 3, 2018