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KotlinConf 2018 - Beat the High-Score: Build a Game Using libGDX and Kotlin by David Wursteisen

Recording brought to you by American Express https://americanexpress.io/kotlin-jobs Playing games is fun but making games is even better, especially with Kotlin and libGDX. Let's build together a breakout game and let's explore the gaming framework libGDX. This session will show some libGDX's concepts: how to draw and animate elements of our game, how collision system works to destroy our bricks, what Kotlin brings to libGDX. Then we will dive into more advanced topics like shaders, in order to handle pixels from our images. Why are we doing all of this? To break the high score, of course! About David Wursteisen: Technologies shoudn't be an issue. Instead it should help you to build better products

October 3, 2018