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KotlinConf 2018 - Effective Multiplatform Kotlin Development by Marcin Moskala

Recording brought to you by American Express https://americanexpress.io/kotlin-jobs Kotlin enables you to write Android, iOS and web applications 100% natively. When you add good architecture, you can achieve enormous code reusage. In this lecture, I show how you can do it yourself. I present possibilities of this approach, how to apply clean architecture there and how to unit test it all. About the Presenter: Marcin Moskala is an experienced Android developer who is always looking for ways to improve. He has been passionate about Kotlin since its early beta release. He is an author of the book Android Development with Kotlin. He writes articles and speaks at programming conferences. Marcin is active in the programming and open source community and is also passionate about cognitive and data science. You can visit his website (marcinmoskala.com), medium (medium.com/@marcinmoskala) or follow him on GitHub (MarcinMoskala)

October 3, 2018