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What is in All of Those SSTable Files (John Schulz, The Pythian Group)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/what-is-in-all-of-those-sstable-files-not-just-the-data-one-but-all-the-rest-too-john-schulz-the-pythian-group-cassandra-summit-2016 | Have you ever wondered what is in all of those SSTable files and how it helps Cassandra find and manage your data? If you go to the Datastax website they will give you a high level explanation of what is in each file. In this talk we will go much deeper explaining each file and walking through a dump of its contents. We will also explore the differences between Cassandra 2.1 and 3.4. About the Speaker John Schulz Prinicipal Consultant, The Pythian Group John has 40 of years experience working with data. Data in files and in Databases from flat files through ISAM to relational databases and most recently NoSQL. For the last 15 he's worked on a variety of Open source technologies including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Riak, Hadoop and Hbase. He has been working with Cassandra since 2010. For the last eighteen months he has been working for The Pythian Group to help their customers improve their existing databases and select new ones.

July 26, 2016