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PlayStation & Searchable Cassandra w/out Solr (D. Pham & A. Filipchik, Sony)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/playstation-and-searchable-cassandra-without-solr-dustin-pham-alexander-filipchik-sony-c-summit-2016 | When we were preparing for PlayStation4 launch we faced 1 hard problem: how to make our games and videos storage system super-fast, highly available and fault tolerant. Moving from relation database to Cassandra is not easy, and it even harder if you want to support different search and query use cases. Join our talk to learn how we managed to build highly available platform, that supports tens of millions of active users and can execute multiple user specific queries in less than a millisecond. And all of it without using Solr or ElasticSearch. About the Speaker Alexander Filipchik, Sony Alex spent last 4 years of his life building the next generation of PlayStation Network. He is honored to be a part of a small team of engineers who managed to build from scratch a platform that scaled from 0 users to 1 million PS4s in just 1 day and have being landing 1.5 million of new devices per month since and now reached tenth of millions of active users. He is passionate about technology, innovations, walking his dog and building scalable software using Cassandra.

July 26, 2016