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Processing 50k Events/second w Cassandra & Spark (Ben Slater, Instaclustr)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/processing-50000-events-per-second-with-cassandra-and-spark-ben-slater-instaclustr-c-summit-2016 | Over the last 12 months, Instaclustr has developed a centralised system to capture and analysis monitoring metrics from its managed services fleet of well over 500 Cassandra and Spark nodes. While we entered into the exercise with plenty of experience provisioning and managing Cassandra and Spark, this was our first experience building a significant application. We'll walk through some of the missteps we made and lessons learned along the way as well as sharing our current solution architecture. About the Speaker Ben Slater Chief Product Officer, Instaclustr Instaclustr provides Cassandra and Spark as a managed service in the cloud. As Chief Product Officer, Ben is charged with steering Instaclustr's development roadmap, managing product engineering and overseeing the production support and consulting teams. Ben has over 20 years experience in systems development including previously as lead architect for the product that is now Oracle Policy Automation and over 10 years as a solution architect and project manager for Accenture.

July 26, 2016