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DataStax | DSE Advanced Replication (Brian Hess & Cliff Gilmore)

Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/DataStax/datastax-datastax-enterprise-advanced-replication-brian-hess-cliff-gilmore-cassandra-summit-2016/edit | Cassandra is well-known for its best-in-class multi-DC. However, some advanced use cases require replicating data between clusters. Some of these use cases involve constrained deployment scenarios such as limited bandwidth or frequent network disruptions which can put significant strains on multi-DC setups. Other use cases include advanced data flows with Hub-and-Spoke configurations. In this talk we will introduce you to DSE's new Advanced Replication capability that allows for these data flows in such constrained environments. We will provide some motivating use cases, an architecture overview, and some customer and testing results. About the Speakers Brian Hess Senior Product Manager, Analytics, DataStax Brian has been in the analytics space for over 15 years ranging from government to data mining applied research to analytics in enterprise data warehousing and NoSQL engines, in roles ranging from Cryptologic Mathematician to Director of Advanced Analytics to Senior Product Manager. In all these roles he has pushed data analytics and processing to massive scales in order to solve problems that were previously unsolvable. Cliff Gilmore Solution Architect, DataStax Cliff Gilmore

July 26, 2016